
Indian Runner Ducks


Indian Runner Ducks approximately 2,5 months old. Not yet fully feathered, currently 4 confirmed females and possibly more but others need some more time to identify. One very dark chocolate brown with white chest, further fawn coloured

20€ at this time, 25€ once fully feathered

Living outside since 3 weeks old, mainly free ranging and provided with organic grains additionally.

Also multiple drakes in silver, mallard, and fawn. 15€/each, happy to make a deal on multiples. They live together without trouble as long as there are no females around and will do a fabulous job in catching slugs. for those that aren't interested in duck eggs.



PB indian runner drakes from mixed coloured flock looking for new home. Father is a very strong silver drake, mothers are blue and fawn.

Very quiet and pleasant birds that do great in slug control and are mainly foraging during the day to gather food. No trouble in keeping them together still with ducks. Will also make a great drake group for those not looking for duck eggs.

More ducks available in a few weeks.

15€/each or 45€ for the group of 5.

Currently changing first set of feathers a d still adjusting final colours.
1 blue with white chest
2 silver
2 brown/mallard

All animals are fed with organic feeds only from day 1. No medication in use.